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12.3 Daily cap token
Viktoria Petruk avatar
Written by Viktoria Petruk
Updated over a week ago

The Daily Cap Token feature provides the ability to set limits not only at the offerer level, but also for individual tokens (sub IDs), allowing you to more precisely control the number of clicks or conversions for individual sub IDs

How to set up Daily Cap Token:

  1. Request access to this feature from your support manager.

  2. Go to the “Offers” section and in “Advanced Settings” select in the “Conversion Limit” field the desired limit - by clicks or conversions.

  3. Select the type of limit: Daily or Monthly.

Please note: The monthly limit is valid within a calendar month. For example, if you set the limit on the 10th of the month, the limit will be updated automatically on the 1st of the next month.

  1. In the “Go to” field, be sure to select the offerer to which traffic will be redirected after reaching the conversion limit on the original offer.

  2. “Time zone": select the time zone by which the monthly conversion limit will be tracked and calculated for the selected offerer.

  3. “Conversion limit": specify the desired number of conversions.

Benefits and examples of use:

This feature allows you to distribute the total conversion limit among all tokens, or limit specific tokens to N number of conversions. For example, if you set an overall limit of 15 conversions, and set limits for Token 1, which transfers Zone:

  • Zone 1234 will get 5 conversions

  • Zone 5678 - 6 conversions

  • Zone 7890 - 4 conversions

When zone 1234 reaches a limit of 5 conversions on this offer, traffic will automatically switch to the “Go To” offer, and so it will be with each subsequent zone once the specified number of conversions is reached

Limit of unique conversions:

The feature also allows you to evenly distribute the number of conversions among all tokens in a campaign. For example, if you set the limit to 10, no more than 10 conversions will be allocated to each token, which promotes a more balanced distribution of traffic and better control over results.

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