4.1 What options for creating landing pages are available in AdsBridge?
4.2 Can I use my own self-hosted landing pages?
4.3 How to direct the user from the landing page to the offer (Click URL and CTA code)?
4.4 Is it possible to show the user's data, which was detected by the tracker, on the landing page?
4.5 On which subscriptions do the templates become available?
4.6 Is CDN used for landing pages?
4.7 Do landing pages work with tablets and mobile phones?
4.8 Can I use an outside script on AdsBridge landing pages?
4.9 What are multi-offer landing pages and why are they important?
4.10 Is it possible to create multi-step landing pages?
4.11 Where are the created landing pages hosted and is it possible to download them?
4.12 Unique Landing Page