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How can I set up S2S postback with an affiliate network?
How can I set up S2S postback with an affiliate network?
Viktoria Petruk avatar
Written by Viktoria Petruk
Updated over a week ago

To get conversions in the tracker, you need to set up and place AdsBridge postback at the side of an affiliate network.

You can find a template of postback in the Tracking pixel section in the top right menu.

This is an example of AdsBridge postback:

(xxxxx – your unique subdomain in our system)

To set the postback correctly, you need to substitute the placeholders like YOUR_NETWORK_TOKEN, REPLACE with the relevant parameters of your affiliate network and delete the part of the postback that won’t transfer any information.

About the parameters:

The only obligatory parameter in the postback is tid. It is the only required parameter in the postback without which conversions won’t be passed. After the “=” sign in this parameter, you need to insert affiliate network macro instead of YOUR_NETWORK_TOKEN, which will be replaced by the value that came in a parameter entered in the Tracking token field when setting an offer.

amt – passes the dynamic value of a payout by conversion.

txid – is set only for CPS offers. It allows tracking of several conversions from one click ID.

cdata – passes any parameter straight to the source traffic without saving on our side.

status – passes the status of conversion, if your affiliate network provides such kind of option.

Important note: If your affiliate network is in our templates, then its postback is already set up. So all you have to do in this case is copy and paste it at the side of the affiliate network, usually in the field Global Postback.

Copy and past the pixel at the side of an affiliate network.

Important note: If you work with your own offers (not with an affiliate network), then in order to track conversions, you need to use a pixel. AdsBridge pixels can be found in the Tracking pixel section in the top right menu.

AdsBridge offers 3 different pixels – Image, Iframe and Tracking script. In most cases you can use any of the listed ones (but when working with Facebook and sending back information back, use the Iframe type at the side of the offer)

For correct work, the pixel has to be placed on the Thank you page after your offer.

Pay attention that the pixel domain and the domain of your campaign have to correspond.

That’s why when you add your own domain to the campaign, change the system domain in the pixel to your custom domain. For example, <img style=”display: none;” src=”“> change to <img style=”display: none;” src=”“>.

In case you use a pixel, information about click id (tid) is taken from cookies, therefore unused parameters can be removed from the pixel accordingly.

Place this pixel on the Thank you page of your offer.

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