In order to pass parameters in the S2S postback URL of a traffic source, you can use such macros:
<payout> - payout value for a conversion;
<tid> - value of tracker's Click ID;
<txid> - value of transaction ID;
<tracking_id> - parameter that is used to transmit the Click ID of a traffic source to the side of the mentioned traffic source through a postback;
<cost> - cost value;
<campaign_id> - campaign ID in the AdsBridge system;
<trafficsource_id> - traffic source ID in the AdsBridge system;
<trafficsource_name> - name of a traffic source in the AdsBridge system;
<lp_id> - landing page ID in the AdsBridge system;
<offer_id> - offer ID in the AdsBridge system;
<country> - country;
<language> - language of a browser;
<city> - city;
<traffic_type> - type of traffic (desktop, tablet, mobile, other);
<connection_type> - type of connection (wired, wi-fi, mobile, other);
<device> - device from which the conversion was made;
<manufacturer> - device manufacturer;
<model> - device model;
<browser> - browser;
<browserversion> - browser version;
<os> - operating system;
<osversion> - version of an operating system;
<isp> - Internet provider;
<carrier> - mobile network operator (for mobile traffic only);
<useragent> - user agent;
<ip> - IP address of a user;
<referrer_domain> - referrer domain;
<current_date> - today's date;
<day_of_week> - the actual day of week;
<timestamp> - current time;
<token1>...<token6> - values that are transmitted through the primary campaign tokens;
<cdata>...<cdataN> - values that are transmitted from the side of affiliate network by means of CDATA parameters of the AdsBridge postback.
Written by Mikhail
Updated over 6 years ago