The overall scheme of tracking between a traffic source, AdsBridge and affiliate network.
Tracking Without Redirects
What parameters can I use for passing values in S2S postback URL to the traffic source?
Conversions do not track when using pixels. What to do?
Do you track only unique events or all events?
Conversions are added successfully, but I can't see them in statistics.
Where can I get macroses for a postback?
When will conversions appear in statistics?
How to set up tracking of costs?
Can I manually upload conversions with txid?
Do you have status in S2S postback setting? How to receive conversions with the 'accepted' status?
How to track clicks?
What is the difference between Tracking pixels and S2S postback URL?
Can I add conversions that are missing in statistics?
Can there be several conversions by one and the same tid?
How does tracker work by means of pixels?
What is anti-fraud in AdsBridge?
9.20 How to track Impressions?