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a guideline for the whole process of setting up
1.1 What is AdsBridge and who can use the tracker?
1.2 What are the features and benefits that you’ll receive with AdsBridge?
1.3 How does tracking work?
1.4 AdsBridge infrastructure
1.5 Does AdsBridge work for mobile tracking?
1.6 How is information encrypted, and does AdsBridge have access to it?
1.7 How does AdsBridge differ from Google Analytics?
1.8 Can I buy traffic from AdsBridge?
1.9 Is it required to set up the tracker on self-hosted platforms?
1.10 What needs to be done in order to begin work with the system?
1.11 Is payment required right away, or is it possible to test the product before payment?
1.12 Can I track conversions and statistics from my own sites?
2.1 How to set up AdsBridge tracking quickly?
2.2 What is the ‘hide referrer’ option?
2.3 Why use your own domain?
2.4 Instructions on traffic distribution and redirect rules
2.5 What is auto-optimization?
2.6 How does auto-optimization work?
2.7 A detailed explanation of different cost models
2.8 Is it possible to conduct A/B testing on Landing Pages and Offers?
2.9 Does AdsBridge have a cloaking feature?
2.10 I chose the CPM model, but my Spend column is blank. Why is that?
How to create a short link in AdsBridge
2.12 Choosing the campaign type: difference between "Path" and "Flow"
2.13 Why does the campaign link redirect to Google instead of the affiliate link?
3.1 Why do I need a custom domain and how do I add one?
3.2 How do I ensure that my domain is connected?
3.3 Why doesn’t the indicator in front of my domain change?
3.4 How do I shorten a long link?
3.5 How do I hide a referrer link?
3.6 What should I do if a program blocks my subdomain?
3.7 If I stop using the tracker for a while, what happens to my domains?
3.8 Are there any limits to the number of domains I can add?
3.9 Is there any protection from a domain ban?
3.10 Facebook domain verification
3.11 Connected a domain through Cloudflare, but it does not work in the tracker, what could be the reason?
4.1 What options for creating landing pages are available in AdsBridge?
4.2 Can I use my own self-hosted landing pages?
4.3 How to direct the user from the landing page to the offer (Click URL and CTA code)?
4.4 Is it possible to show the user's data, which was detected by the tracker, on the landing page?
4.5 On which subscriptions do the templates become available?
4.6 Is CDN used for landing pages?
4.7 Do landing pages work with tablets and mobile phones?
4.8 Can I use an outside script on AdsBridge landing pages?
4.9 What are multi-offer landing pages and why are they important?
4.10 Is it possible to create multi-step landing pages?
4.11 Where are the created landing pages hosted and is it possible to download them?
4.12 Unique Landing Page
What is a traffic source within AdsBridge?
My statistics doesn't collaborate with my traffic source. Why?
My conversions are not being transferred to their traffic source. What should I do?
What is a cdata parameter in a 3rd party pixel?
Are there any limitations pertaining to the volume of information which can be transmitted in tokens?
Why are tokens needed?
How many tokens can I use?
How do the general and additional tokens differ?
Why do I need the Tracking ID parameter?
Why is the Cost parameter needed?
How do I set up a traffic source?
How can I send payment information to my traffic source on the RevShare model?
Is it possible to assign names to tokens, under which they will appear in the statistics?
My traffic source is not available in the templates. What should I do?
How to track impressions? Setting up CPM models.
Do you have preset traffic sources?
What is a 3rd party pixel, how does it work, and why is it needed?
The overall scheme of tracking between a traffic source, AdsBridge and affiliate network.
Tracking Without Redirects
What parameters can I use for passing values in S2S postback URL to the traffic source?
Conversions do not track when using pixels. What to do?
Do you track only unique events or all events?
Conversions are added successfully, but I can't see them in statistics.
Where can I get macroses for a postback?
When will conversions appear in statistics?
How to set up tracking of costs?
Can I manually upload conversions with txid?
Do you have status in S2S postback setting? How to receive conversions with the 'accepted' status?
How to track clicks?
What is the difference between Tracking pixels and S2S postback URL?
Can I add conversions that are missing in statistics?
Can there be several conversions by one and the same tid?
How does tracker work by means of pixels?
What is anti-fraud in AdsBridge?
9.20 How to track Impressions?
Why can't I see my conversions in the tracker?
How do you check traffic for fraud?
Can I view the general statistics in my account?
Do you have a Drill-down report option?
How can I group data by time periods?
Where can I find the time of events?
Where can I view the detailed statistics of conversions? Where can I view the statistics of conversions with different transaction IDs?
How often do you update statistics?
Where can I view all click ID that was passed to the affiliate network?
Can I reset the statistics for the campaign?
Can I download statistics for specific hours?
Is it possible to remove bot traffic from the statistics?
On the source traffic and on your platform the country/device/os/isp are determined differently. Why so?
Are there any restrictions for token 1-6?
Can I view the full referrer?
Can I filter the data in the table by some specific value?
How to change the time zone for the downloaded statistics?
What is the "Custom report" option for? How to create my custom report?
The pop-up saying "the data volume is too large" appeared. What does it mean and what to do in this case?
How to view the data transmitted by the traffic source via macros to the tracker?
Where can I find pricing?
Do you have a referral program? What are the terms?
Can I stop/pause my subscription?
What if 14 days are not enough on a trial period?
What will happen in case of an overage on a free trial plan?
Can I put other information details in my invoice (i.e. of a company I work in)?
I purchased an annual plan, I have 2 end dates: expiration date of my subscription and 30-day period. Why there are 2 dates?
Do you make refunds?
How can I downgrade?
How to unsubscribe?
How to use a promo code?
Do you have annual subscription plans?
I can not delete the invoice
Where can I find paid invoices?
The system has shown that the payment was successful, but the subscription has not changed.
Can I change the method of payment myself?
After an unsuccessful attempt to pay the invoice, there is a timer on all buttons. What is it?
What will happen if I don't pay for an overage?
What happens in case of overage on paid subscriptions?
What are the limitations of a trial period?
What is considered a paid event?
What payment options can be used?
What will happen when the 14-day free trial is over?
How to set up Push House + CPA house campaigns?
How can I set up tracking for Imonetizeit offers?
How can I set up S2S postback with an affiliate network?
What does integration with affiliate networks consist of?
What affiliate networks is AdsBridge integrated with?
Where can I find out about the parameters which I can use in postback?
If my network is not included in the “trusted affiliate networks” list does that mean that I cannot track conversions from it?
What does the "use the same tracking token" mean? What is this setting for and how does it work?
How to pull up an offer from an integrated affiliate network?
The number of clicks and conversions on AdsBridge and on the affiliate network do not match. What to do?
Whitelist IP feature